
Dropbox Express 7: Promises.

This is how I built a simple server-side JavaScript app on top of the Dropbox API, using Express.js, ECMAScript 6 (and one thing I hope will be in ES 7), and Zombie.js for testing. It was my first time using any of these things (except JavaScript, natch), so there are probably better ways to do some of it. Let me know!

In part 6, we expanded our use of the Dropbox API, and saw our code become more complex. Let’s try to simplify it, using ECMAScript 6’s Promises.


Promises have been implemented by various libraries for a while, but ES6 makes them a standard part of the language. They provide a way to call functions asynchronously. What a Promise promises is that either a value will be passed to a callback at some point, or an error will be passed to a different callback.

It’s easier shown than told, so let’s look at an example. In part 4, we read the contents of a Dropbox folder by passing a callback function to a Dropbox API method. Here’s a simplified version.

client.readdir('/', (error, entries) => {
  if (error) {
    return res.send(error.response.error)

  res.send(`Files found: ${entries.length}`)

In the Dropbox API, a single callback handles both success and failure. With Promises, we separate these into two functions:

  .then((entries) => {
    res.send(`Files found: ${entries.length}`)
  .catch((error) => {
    return res.send(error.response.error)

This code isn’t necessarily shorter, but it it’s a bit easier to follow: Read the directory, then display the result. We handle the error case at the end, which is an advantage especially when we need to deal with errors from multiple promises.

A Promise wrapper.

We’d like to write our application code in this form, but we can’t, because the Dropbox API doesn’t return Promises. To get around this, we can introduce Promises as an intermediary between Dropbox and our application code.

Given a function like Dropbox’s readdir, which takes a path and a callback, here’s one way to turn it into a promise:

let readdirWrapped = function(path) {
  // Instantiate a Promise that takes a `resolve` and a `reject` callback.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Call Dropbox's readdir method with a callback....
    client.readdir(path, (dirError, entries, dirstat, filestats) => {
      // If there's an error, call the `reject` callback and exit.
      if (error) {
        return reject(error);

      // Otherwise, call the `resolve` callback.
      resolve([entries, dirstat, filestats]);

This is how we create a Promise: pass it a function that takes two functions, resolve and reject, as parameters. (These functions will be created by the Promise object.) If our code completes successfully, we call resolve with a return value. If there’s a problem, we call reject with an error.

Note that resolve takes only one parameter. If we want to provide more than one result (as Dropbox does when it passes entries, dirstat, and filestats to the callback), we have to marshall them into a single value (which we do here by joining them in an array).

A wrapper class.

We want to wrap two Dropbox method in promises for our app. We could define readdirWrapped and readFileWrapped as above, but all that repeated code would obscure the differences between them, and in a real app we’d probably want to wrap more than two methods, so it would keep getting worse. Instead, we can put the Promise logic in a single reusable function, and use ECMAScript 6’s class syntax to provide a single access point for all our wrapped methods. Put this in a file called promisebox.js:

 * Wraps a Dropbox API Client in promises.

class Promisebox {
  constructor(client) {
    this.client = client

  readdir(path, options) {
    return this._promise('readdir', path, options)

  readFile(path, options) {
    return this._promise('readFile', path, options)

  _promise(method, ...params) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.client[method](...params, (error, ...results) => {
        if (error) {
          // If there's an error, call `reject` and exit.
          return reject(error)

module.exports = Promisebox

The class keyword doesn’t define a class of the sort found in other languages like Ruby and Java. It’s just syntax for creating a constructor and its prototype, like we’ve always done in JavaScript. Here we define:

  • a constructor that stores a Dropbox API client on the object
  • a pseudo-private _promise method that returns a Promise that calls a method on the Dropbox client
  • readdir and readFile methods that are named wrappers around _promise

(ES6 classes don’t have truly private methods. There are ways to achieve the same result, but here, I’m just using a common convention: Don’t call a method that starts with an underscore from outside the object.)

As we discussed earlier, Dropbox’s readdir method passes three results to its callback, but we can only pass one value to resolve. We handle this using the ES6 spread operator. Our callback function has the parameters (error, ...results). This means that the first parameter is assigned to the local variable error, and all subsequent parameters are collected into an array and assigned to results.

Similarly, our _promise function takes a method name and any number of ... params. When it calls this.client[method](...params), each element of the params array is passed as a separate parameter to the underlying Dropbox method.

The app, with promises.

Given this class, we can rewrite app.js to load the module, wrap our Dropbox client in a Promisebox, and call its methods in sequence (seemingly):

const express = require('express'),
  Dropbox = require('dropbox'),
  Promisebox = require('./promisebox')

// Initialize a Dropbox client.
let client = new Dropbox.Client({
  // Get auth token from `.env` or environment variables.
  token: process.env.DROPBOX_AUTH_TOKEN,
// Wrap it in a Promisebox.
client = new Promisebox(client)

// Create an Express application.
const app = express()

// When a browser requests `/`, display the latest file from the
// Dropbox folder.
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  // Ask Dropbox for a promise to list files in the app folder.
    // When the promise is fulfilled...
    .then(([entries, dirstat, filestats]) => {
      // Return a Dropbox promise to read the contents of the file.
      return client.readFile(latestPath(filestats))
    // When the second promise is fulfilled...
    .then(([contents]) => {
      // Display the file contents to the user.
    // If something goes wrong...
    .catch((error) => {
      // Display the error message to the user.
      return res.send(error.response.error)

const latestPath = (filestats) => {
  // Ignore files without dates in their names.
  const datedFiles = filestats.filter((e) => /^[0-9-]*\.html$/.test(e.name))
  // Get the last one.
  const latest = datedFiles.sort()[datedFiles.length - 1]

  return latest.path

module.exports = app

Again, the code is presented in a more sequential way, with the “happy path” presented first, and error handling at the end. Some things to note here:

  1. If the first promise fails, the then callbacks aren’t executed, and instead control flows to the catch callback at the end. That allows us to use a single callback for both failure cases.

  2. If the first promise succeeds, its then callback returns another promise (returned by client.readFile). This promise, on success, automatically flows to the second then callback.

  3. As we discussed, the resolve method only lets us pass one parameter along to our then callback. In Promisebox, we combined readdir’s entries, dirstat, and filestats into a single array. Here, we use ES6’s array destructuring syntax to automatically assign them to distinct variables.

(I’ve also moved the “search through filestats for the latest entry’s path” code to a separate function, so we can focus on the asynchronous logic in the URL handler.)

This new version of the URL handler is almost exactly the same length, but it is a little easier to follow from top to bottom. It’s still a lot of “functions passing functions to functions,” though. We can do better. In part 8, we’ll use generators to strip away some of the noise.
